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5 Possible Reasons Your AC Bill is Going Up

AC Bill Getting Higher? As the temperatures start to rise, so does the cost of your air conditioning bill. But why is your AC bill going up? Here are five common reasons why your AC bills may be higher than expected this summer: 1. Lack of AC Maintenance: Regular...

Can You Replace Any Thermostat With a Smart Thermostat?

Replacing a Thermostat: What You Should Know Smart thermostats are gaining in popularity, as they offer more features and convenience than traditional models. But can you replace any thermostat with a smart thermostat? The answer is yes, you can replace any outdated...

What Happens if Ductwork is Damaged?

Damaged ductwork may significantly increase your utility bills due to the HVAC unit having to work harder. Moreover, it also affects the air quality of your home. However, it can often be difficult to identify, but you don’t have to worry because we are here to help....

Why is My Air Conditioner Not Cooling?

Air Conditioner Not Cooling? Air conditioners are a wonderful thing, but like any mechanical device, they can have problems. Sometimes it only takes a quick fix, but other times you need to call in a professional. 1.   Dirty Air Filters If you’ve checked the...

What is an HVAC Contractor?

What is an HVAC Contractor? What do they do? And why do you need them? If you have been wondering about these questions, then this guide will help you find out more about HVAC contractors and their services. What Does an HVAC Contractor Achieve During His Workday?...

How Do You Know If You Have a Bad AC Coil?

If you have an air conditioner, then you know how important it is to keep it running properly. The coil is just as important as the air conditioner itself and if it’s not working correctly, then that can cause all kinds of problems. Knowing how to tell if your...