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Can a Smart Thermostat Save You Money?

Let’s face it: you’re tired of paying high energy bills. And who could blame you? After all, most of us are living paycheck to paycheck. But what if there were a way for you to save money on your energy use without having to compromise on comfort? Well,...

Is it Normal for My AC to Cycle Longer?

If you’re wondering whether it’s normal for your AC to cycle longer, the answer is that it depends on a few factors, like your unit’s cooling capacity, your room’s temperature, and its humidity. In most cases, your AC’s average cooling cycle is...

How Do I Know if My AC is Worn Out?

You may be experiencing more AC problems than usual, which is a huge inconvenience, especially if you’re in dire need of cooling your room due to soaring temperatures in the hot seasons, making it important for you to either invest in maintenance or buy a new AC...

What is The Average Life Span of an AC System?

There is no definitive answer to how long the average life span of an AC system can last. It can vary depending on how well-kept it is and how the unit was designed. However, we can tell you that with proper maintenance, your air conditioners can adequately function...

How Do I Know If My Air Compressor Is Bad?

The summer season is in full swing. Unfortunately, summers can be brutal nowadays due to the rapid climate change and global warming. With some of the hottest days going beyond 90°F, you need your air conditioning to be in top order and function optimally. However,...

What Are The 3 Types of AC Systems?

You might be conditioned to imagine AC systems as the same old bulky white, roaring machines with even larger outers blowing hot air out. However, believe it or not, air conditioners come in many different shapes and sizes. Depending on which brand you have, each type...